Your subscription to the “Enough Already” Devotional Series has been confirmed. I’m delighted to be going on this journey together!

This photo shows just how happy I am about it:

Happy Lauren Catching Air at Yellowstone National Park | Lauren of The Thinking Closet

Your Welcome Email Awaits!

Pop over to your inbox to check out the welcome email I sent over with some food for thought. (It might take just a minute or two to arrive.)

And then, I’ll be back in your inbox every Wednesday for the next 7 weeks. It’s gonna be grand!

And don’t worry, you can hit the unsubscribe button at the bottom of my emails at any time to be removed from my list. No hard feelings.

But know that I’m truly grateful to have you as a travel companion on this journey of transformation from being Never-Enough-ians to I-Am-Enough-Already.

What a worthwhile journey it will be.

Where to Next?

If you want to invite fellow pilgrims to join us on this journey, click HERE for the link to the landing page.

If you’re eager to sink your teeth into this subject of “enough-ness,” here are a few rabbit trails for your perusing pleasure:

{Fist-bump of solidarity.}
