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My One Word for 2015

My One Word for 2015: SURRENDER | reflections by the thinking closet

For the last two years, I’ve chosen one word for the year.  One word to inspire my dreams and help focus my goals.  One word to help me see the bigger picture.  One word to give a name to the tugging on my heart.

Though the truth of the matter is that I don’t really choose the word.  Rather, the word chooses me.

In 2013, it was LEAP.  And you can read more about the leaps I took in this end-of-the-year reflection.

In 2014, it was BALANCE.  And before I share my word for this new year, I thought I’d take some time to look back at my quest for balance this past year.

As a perfectionist and people-pleaser, balance has long been a battle for me and probably will always be.  And despite dedicating an entire year to working on the problem of “balance,” there were many moments when I felt like a completely failure at it.

Balance Breakthroughs

However, I did make a few changes this year that felt like breakthroughs on the balance front, such as…

Balance of the body through regular exercise.  I started working with a personal trainer at our Y for accountability and that extra “push” I knew I needed.  It has been one of my best investments this past year!

Balance in blogging through scaling back on my post frequency.  I went from posting 3-4 times a week to 2-3.  And I’m now down to 1-2 times a week, which is a much more do-able investment of time for me in this season…and though it was hard for me to scale back at first, I’m now so glad I have!  And fun fact: it doesn’t appear to have hurt my blog traffic either.  Win-win.

Balance in blogging through fewer sponsored posts.  I actually really enjoy sponsored posts; by nature they are fairly structured, which always lends itself to a high dose of creativity (I have found).  Also, I have always said no to over 95% of the sponsored post offers that show up in my inbox…so the ones I do I say “yes” to are resounding yeses.  However that percentage went up even higher, especially this fall when I was working on launching my eBook.  I just knew I needed a more flexible schedule…so I said “no” a lot in order to retain more flexibility.

Balance in social media through delegating.  I actually hired my first virtual assistant this summer to help with some of my social media scheduling and email organization: Christy from Silently Social.  It was a tough decision for me at first, but once I experienced the relief of sharing those responsibilities with a trusted partner, I knew it was the right move for my blog!

Balance in sharing the weight of coordinating The Silhouette Challenge.  Two years ago, I set a personal challenge for myself I called “The Silhouette Challenge” to help motivate me to try out new mediums on my Silhouette machine.  I invited others to join me in that Challenge and our group has grown to nearly 1,500 members.  Thankfully, I assembled a team of 6 fantastic women at the end of last year who continue to help me with the administrative tasks behind the scenes.  So thankful for them!

Balance of the mind through a morning routine.  I dedicated an entire post to this discovery over the summer called One Change I Made That is Bringing Me More Balance.  I confess I have since fallen out of my morning routine, but I’m yearning to get back into it!

Balance of the soul through taking a true day of rest each week.  I just shared about this revolutionary experience last month, and true to the post title, it really has changed EVERYTHING.  I urge you to stop right now and read that post if you haven’t already.  It’s by far my greatest victory on the balance front this year.  And it’s one I’m carrying with me into 2015 and beyond.

My One Word for 2015: SURRENDER | reflections by the thinking closet

My One Word for 2015

My one word for 2015 is SURRENDER.

It came to me just a few weeks ago.  And I was reticent to commit to it because in some ways, I don’t quite know what it will look like.  But that’s part of the fun of it, right?  Seeing what the new year holds and how this one word might weave its way into the threads of our days?  The tapestry of our year?

Still, I couldn’t help but try to imagine what it would mean for the year ahead.  So, here was my free association brainstorm of the word “surrender”:

War.  White flag.  Give up.  Lay it down.  Relinquish control.  Loosen the grip.  Open hands.  He gives and takes away.  Eyes closed.  Blindfold.  Lamp unto my path.  Great unknown.  The woods are lovely dark and deep.  Into the woods.  Free-fall.  Trust fall.  Stomach drop.

Ack!  I’m not sure this is going to be one of those fun words like LEAP.  Or a more practical word like BALANCE.

“War?”  “Great unknown?”  “He gives and takes away?”  This feels like a soul word.

My One Word for 2015, embossed in gold on the front cover of my journal. | by the thinking closet

But I do feel in my heart of hearts it’s what I need.  Especially in my spiritual life.  I’ve always had control issues in my walk with God.  “Sure God, I can trust you!  Just follow this carefully written out plan I’ve drafted up for you.  M’k?”  Except that never works, does it.  How does the saying go…?

Want to make God laugh?  Tell Him your plans.

I know there’s a lot to be learned from surrendering the plan.  Of learning the art of being present and trusting that inner leading, even and especially without a script.

That’s something I discovered during my years as a classroom teacher.  I don’t think I ever taught a class without a lesson plan in front of me (and outlined on the board for my students to see).  However, there were moments when our discussions took us to places I hadn’t planned for – – but the conversations were important so I surrendered to them.  Or other times, my students’ needs or attention spans were not as I had predicted, so I had to surrender to the moment and readjust.  Recalibrate.  Redirect my sails.

It didn’t always feel safe and secure.  (Especially in front of a room of wild-eyed ninth graders.)  But it was right.  And the outcome was always better than if I had tried to force my lesson plan upon them.

Now, it’s a matter of applying that same notion from lesson plans to life plans.  {Gulp.}  Easier said than done!  Good thing I have a whole year to work intentionally on it.

My One Word for 2015: SURRENDER | Always easier to tackle goals with washi tape and G2 pens. | thinkingcloset.com

Tokens of Surrender

To help me keep my word of 2015 in the forefront of my mind, I have a few tokens by which to remember to it.

1.  My SURRENDER Journal:  I finished up my old sketch book journal just as last year ended, and so it seemed like the perfect time to start afresh!  So, to etsy I went, and when I came across the custom embossed Kraft journals created by jillianastasia, I quickly placed my order – – especially when I saw I could opt for unlined pages, which is always my personal preference.  #bighandwritingproblems

Now, every time I open up my journal, I’ll be reminded by my one word!

My One Word for 2015, embossed in gold on the front cover of my journal. | by the thinking closet

2.  My SURRENDER Necklace:  I have a very sneaky friend named Kirsten (some of you may know her from her blog Sweet Tea and Saving Grace).  When I shared my word of the year with Kirsten in an email, she went behind my back and had a vision word necklace by Creative Carmella made just for me!  So not only does it proclaim SURRENDER in stamped letters, but it boasts beachy charms and some of my favorite pastel colors on beads and fabric swatches.

Ain’t she purdy?

My 2015 vision necklace boasting my word of the year, SURRENDER. Such a sweet reminder to wear around my neck!

I’m excited to have these small tokens as tangible reminders of my one word…because Lord knows I’m prone to wander.  Also, they will help mark this season of life.  So, when I’m sifting through my bookshelves and rake necklace hanger years from now, I’ll be transported right back to 2015 and all the lessons it held.

Aside:  After purchasing/receiving these items, I genuinely recommend BOTH of these shop owners.  They do top notch work!  Let’s support small businesses.

Jillianastasia Paper Co. on etsy!
Visit Jillianastasia Paper Co. on etsy
Visit Creative Carmella's online shop for your 2015 vision word necklace!
Visit Creative Carmella’s online shop

Quote Inspiration

Do you know SARK?  If not, let me introduce you to her.  SARK stands for Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy and she is a free-spirit and creative thinker whose published journals I discovered in my college days; the liberating charges she wrote in colorful, handwritten ink were truly inspirational for me at the time.  (I mean, she wrote a book called *Succulent Wild Woman for Pete’s sake.)

I actually recently came across this quote by SARK on her Facebook page, and I quickly snatched it up.  Especially when I saw how perfectly it spoke to my one word for 2015.

"Open your heart and arms to whatever changes happen and losses occur." -SARK | Inspiration for my Word of the Year for 2015: SURRENDER

It’s already pasted onto the opening page of my journal:

My One Word for 2015: SURRENDER | Some SARK inspiration for the opening page of my journal. | thinkingcloset.com

“Opening up our heart and arms to whatever changes happen and losses occur,” can be a mighty terrifying thing.  But here’s the thing – – here’s what I’m reminding myself: those changes and losses are going to occur.  And by trying to muscle them away or keep my arms crossed and to deny their occurrence is counter-productive.

So, I suppose my year of surrender is going to involve some lessons in opening up to change, accepting loss, and also laying down my daily agenda so I can accept God’s agenda.

And probably a billion more lessons of which I have no idea.  I suppose the time is nigh to saddle up and surrender to whatever comes my way.  The changes.  The losses.  And the sweet surprises.

My One Word for 2015: SURRENDER...and what that might mean for a control freak like myself! | reflections by the thinking closet

Your Turn

If this resonates with you, or if you have any words of encouragement, either as a fellow control freak or as someone who has learned hard lessons of surrender, I welcome your comments!

Or if you have chosen a specific word for 2015 (a practice I highly recommend!), do share your word in the comments below so I can encourage you on your journey.


Mangey wants to know your one word for 2015!
Mangey wants to know your one word for 2015!

Where to Next?

I’ve been choosing a word of the year for a decade now! It’s been one of the most meaningful practices of my adult life. For the curious ones, here are some more rabbit trails worth exploring:

*Full Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links, meaning that if you make a purchase after clicking through, The Thinking Closet may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you.  Thanks for helping to support this site!

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  1. Wow, I have been thinking about having a word for this year (yes in February of 2016) but couldn’t figure it out. I was think joy or content…but they just didn’t resonate true. I think I need to steal yours from last year! The Lord has put our family through so many trials this past year – really meek in the grand scheme of life, but they rocked my world (not in a good sense) and shattered my purpose. I felt like my passion was ripped from me and while I was and am willing to leave all for the Lord, I wasn’t prepared for the road He directed us to. I have been struggling to find joy and contentment as I have felt purposeless, passionless, and alone (despite the 4 girls under age of 5 running around screaming). I see now, surrender is what I need and joy and contentment will follow suit! Thank you!

  2. Loved your article! I, too, choose a word for the year. 2015 is “PEACE”. I was a single mom for 10 years before re-marrying last year. My life has felt like a whirlwind between working and raising kids. Adding a new husband has been a blessing, but it seems another thing on the list. So, I decided this year I am going to stop the craziness and calm myself so I can truly enjoy the gift of my family. Smell the roses as it were. To do that, I have to find that peace within myself. And so it is.

  3. This is so awesome! I absolutely love the concept of having a word of the year. You’re so inspiring, Lauren! Thank you so much for your kind words and feature, I really appreciate it! 🙂

  4. Choosing a word for the year is such a cute idea. I should brainstorm and try to come up with one that embodies my own goals this year.

    By the way, I’m absolutely in love with that black and white mug! Where did you get it?

  5. I’m never surprised by how open and honest you are with your life, your dreams, your struggles, and your thoughts. Surrender. That is a tough word to embrace. It can be so scary because it asks us to release the very things we hold so dear, our hopes for our lives, our vision, our plan. It’s one of those things that you cannot do without full confidence in the goodness of God and trust in his love for you and ultimate plan for your life. It is saying yes to God, whatever he has for us, without placing a “but” behind that yes. It is so intimidating to come to the place where you let go of the reigns and say “thy will be done” and really mean it, whatever it entails. When I find my Much Afraid heart is fearing God’s agenda, I can only think how much scarier it is to be working against him. Praying for you, my dear friend as you surrender to the one who created you, knows you intimately, and desires to bless you with every good and perfect gift. I pray that in your surrendering, you will come to know Him and His goodness more deeply than ever before.

    I wish Thy way.
    But when in me myself would rise
    And long for something otherwise
    Then, Holy One, take sword and spear
    And slay.
    ~Amy Carmichael

  6. Beautiful, Lauren. This really struck a chord with me today. These first weeks of 2015 have already reminded me that I am not (always) in control. And now your post has reminded me that sometimes I just need to surrender to life as it’s happening and see where it will lead me. Here’s to a year of opening our hearts and arms to whatever happens!

  7. Want to make God laugh… Oh yes. I laughed when I read that, Lauren. My old Italian aunt used to say: Man plans and God laughs. You have challenged yourself for certain with this year’s word, but you will find your peace in it, and I, for one, will be happy to see what you’ve made of it by the end of the year. Surrender and patience are my 2 hardest lessons. And OCPD doesn’t make either any easier! hehe I bet your Day of Rest will help with Surrender. Definitely keep that rest day up. 🙂

  8. Unexpected (until you first shared it) but a powerful word…surrender. I want to support you on this journey. It is something I continue to learn as a control freak myself. I know God will show you many good things as a result of your opening your agenda even more to His.

    Embrace is the word I am considering for the year…not sure I’ve totally “embraced” it yet, but it is similar to surrender in that I want to embrace what is presented each day by His guiding hand as well as future challenges…like a wedding, work and family challenges, a professional presentation, travel overseas perhaps.

    I am even trying to look at those ordinary daily decisions in a new way and embrace them by being more present and not frenzied or with that sense of urgency. “Do not worry about tomorrow!” “Be Still, and know that I am God…” etc. He helped me with spending more time with Him every day last year and that is something I want to continue. It has made all the difference.

    In addition, I want to literally embrace those I love more often…with real and virtual hugs and affirmations. God is reminding me how we all need 10-12 hugs a day. I don’t think that’s something I will regret someday as I look back.
    I applaud and virtually hug you, dear one!

  9. My word last year was “Rise”: Rise above adversity, rise to the occasion, rise to meet opportunities as they came my way. It was apropos to say the least! This year my word is “Build.” I want to build on plans made, relationships formed and lessons begun. Thank you for sharing your words. What beautiful photos, too.

  10. Thank you, Laura! I learned to accept this word 6 years ago this month when I surrendered
    my powerlessness over alcohol. I then turned all my problems and worries (and try hard not to “reel them back in”) over to God. I figured He knows what’s best for me, and even though at times it’s been difficult to accept, because I often “want what I want when I want it”, lol, but
    surrendering all is a learning process, and I’m still working on it!

  11. My word is ‘break-free’. I want to take each and every day as it comes.
    I want to travel and explore things, read many books and to watch tons of movies. 😀

  12. My word for the year is, “Courage.” Much like your word, “Leap.” That is my season.

    My first reference points is, “Courage, dear heart.” When Aslan as the albatross brings light into the nightmare that is Death Island on the Voyage of the Dawn Treader from the Chronicles of Narnia by C. S. Lewis. You may have heard of it. 😉 My favorite book in the series.

    My second reference point is I Corinthians 16:13, “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.”

    I’m one of those ready, aim, aim, aim, aim, aim, type of people. Im ready to fire…but it takes COURAGE.

    Thanks for letting me share.

  13. My one word for this year is ACTION! I need to stop procrastinating and pushing things aside… and take ACTION in many areas of my life! I find myself lacking energy most days, and I need to push through this and force myself to act and complete tasks. With the exception of this recent Mercury Retrograde (which always screws EVERYTHING up!) I’ve been doing pretty well! 🙂 I LOVE that notebook that you ordered!!!!! And I’m obsessed with the beachy necklace! My 2nd love (first being country music!) is the beach/ocean! Also jealous to see you wearing a tank top in February, brrrrrrrrr, I’m so SICK of blizzards!

  14. This was such a beautifully written post, Lauren! I LOVE your word for 2015, and I also love that you have a fresh journal for it. Journaling has been something I’m trying to do more often too. I think it’s essential for us writers to have pen and paper to help make sense of our busy minds and thoughts. Can’t wait to see what God does in your life this year. *hugs*

  15. What an appropriate word since you are learning about a Sabbath rest. God gave me that word two years ago. Makes things so much easier to handle when things comes up that we can’t do anything about! Blessings, Helen

  16. I Surrender All, one of my fave praise songs, seems appropriate here. Giving up control can be such a freeing move. Especially when u know He’s gotcha covered. Good word Laur.

  17. my word is start lately I have had 2 knee replacements so this year I am going back to work next and this will be a new start for me. Thanks for this chance to share. Lynn

  18. Okay, so I have to get this off my chest first: the photos in this post are STUNNING. Like, just beyond. I love the lighting and the color and the mood.. so great! They really drew me in.
    Now that we’ve got that out of the way – I love your word. I feel like it takes balance one step further and one step back at the same time.. my word for the year does that, too! I had “follow-through” last year, and this year I have “commit”. For me, I realized that sometimes, it’s not just a matter of starting and finishing something, but of really commiting to the process and going all-in. Yours feels like that, too; like, you’ve realized that while it’s important to strive for balance, sometimes, you just need to let go and surrender to the moment. Does that make sense?
    Anywho, I’m keeping my fingers crossed for you, but I know you’ll do really well and learn a lot with your new word this year.
    Enjoy the rest of your Sunday! xx

  19. My word for the year is INTENTIONAL
    I need to be I intentional in my spiritual life. Financial life and personal. I want to become intentional in the way I love on others who I normally would not .

    I would love to have one of those necklaces? Please let me know how I can recv one .

    Thank you for inspiring us

    1. That is awesome! My word is Intentional also! I have realized I have to be intentional to be all that I desire to be. I have to be intentional to have the relationship with God that I desire. I have to be intentional in order to make sure my husband feels loved. I have to plan and be intentional that I spend my time wisely. If I am not intentional, I just rush through life haphazardly.

  20. I love your blog! This post today really touched my heart and I thank you!
    …and it doesn’t hurt that I have a beautiful Lauren in my life! (21 year old daughter!)

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